Num Slider



Widget (slider) for displaying and/or selecting numeric data

Num Slider

Source files

File nameDescription
main.jsThe component core, it contains the NumSlider class. It should be used to import and use a slider.
options.jsOptions. It also includes parameters for internal use. Use it for parameter reference.
num-slider.vueVue component. It can be used directly in the Vue environment.
src/accessors.jsGetters and setters.
src/actions.jsActions, e. g. moving, blocking, etc.
src/attrs.jsGetter NumSlider.attrs: it returns HTML attributes.
src/constants.jsConstants for calculating dimensions, SVG coordinates, etc.
src/events.jsEvent functionality.
src/helpers.jsHelper functions.
src/init-check.jsInitial checks.
src/ops.jsOperations, e. g. setting nums, validation, etc.
src/validate-obj.jsHelpers for validating objects.
src/svghtml.vueVue component for icon rendering.
src/vue-directives.jsVue directives.


Isolated logic

This functionality is made to be almost framework/presentation layer agnostic. This means that all logic is independent of HTML rendering, which includes the following features:

Due to these points to use the slider in any project you need to:

  1. Create a presentation, i. e. HTML, layer: it can be any reactive JavaScript framework or even plain HTML with vanilla JavaScript;
  2. Connect presentation layer with logic, i. e. pass state to instantiated NumSlider instance and update HTML according to received result.

If you don't mind using Vue.js, it's already implemented for the presentation layer and slider is ready for immediate usage.

If you're adapting the presentation layer for some particular framework, please check .vue template files to create proper HTML elements.

Parameters for internal use, i. e. directly in the logic, are separated for convenience: check it also for satisfactory values.

For the styling guide please see the appropriate section of this docs. Please be aware that in HTML there are some elements (not so much so far) that have hard-coded attributes: these should be consistent with styles and NumSlider.attrs getter (source file src/attrs.js).

HTML elements

In general, HTML elements are intended for internal use only. However, in case you need them, all HTML elements are accessible via NumSlider.refs.<element name>, e. g. DTPicker.refs.root. For reference please see source files. Also please note, that some of these DTPicker.refs might be refreshed after the slider gets updated.

Classes (prototypes)


In Vue.js implementation it's directly accessible from outside the slider as component ref, e. g. in your component use: <imported slider component name>.value.slider. The slider instance is exposed via defineExpose, so to access the slider instance you need to get the component containing it first.

To use NumSlider as a standalone object you need to instantiate it and provide proper HTML for the representation layer. The most obvious way to do it is to port HTML from the Vue component, i. e. num-slider.vue.

Please refer to the source files for details.


Slider can be used in 2 ways:

  1. As a Vue component;
  2. As a standalone functionality.

To use slider as a Vue component:

    <!-- NOTE: update model on event `update:model`, v-model will not work! -->
    <NumSlider v-bind='options' @update:model='model = $event' />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import NumSlider from 'num-slider/js/num-slider'

/* Options */
const options = ref({
    id: 'slider-id',
    minMax: [0, 100],
    model: [10, 40] /* Initial data */
    /* ... other options ... */

 /* Data with initial values, will be updated. */
const model = ref([10, 40])

/* ... do something with `model` ... */

To use slider as a standalone functionality:

import NumSlider from 'num-slider/main'

/* Create state object.
   Reference to it shoud be passed to NumSlider constructor.
   It is updated after each slider operation.
   Object properties depend on your approach,
   see `num-slider/num-slider.vue for details`
const state = { ... }

const options = { ... }

/* Instantiate NumSlider instance: pass options and reference to state. */
const slider = new NumSlider(options, state)

/* ... react to `state` changes and update HTML ... */

Please note that to use the slider as a standalone functionality, you need to implement a presentation layer (HTML) for it. See Vue component num-slider.vue for example.


minMaxArraynullMin and max of slider range. REQUIRED. If not provided, stub will be used.
modelNumber |  ArraynullData model of slider values. REQUIRED. If not provided, stub will be used.
idString'num-slider'ID of container.
blockedBooleanfalseWhether to block (disable) entire component.
blockElementElement |  Document | WindownullIf slider's SVG will intersect this element box, then component will be blocked.
verticalBooleanfalseWhether to use vertical alignment.
stepNumber1Step to change values.
numAxisScaleBooleantrueWhether to scale nums display, i. e. 1 thousand -> 1K, 1 million -> 1M.
inputsOnTopBooleantrueWhether to display inputs & control icons on top (on right for vertical orientation).
numsOnTopBooleanfalseWhether to display slider nums on top. If vertical, on right.
displayInputsBooleantrueWhether to display inputs.
barControlsBooleantrueWhether to display slider controls, i. e. circles.
disableFormInputsBoolean | FunctionfalseWhether to disable form inputs. Function: format selected number, implies disabled inputs.
displayControlIconsBooleantrueWhether to display arrows 'to-start' and 'to-end'.
useRevertBooleantrueWhether to use revert functionality.
numsIntervalNumber | Array | Boolean | FunctiontrueThe number of steps between nums displayed. 0 | null | false -> don't display. Array -> points to display. Function: use function w/ signature (<min>, <max>, <step>). true -> auto.
ticksIntervalNumber | Array | Boolean | FunctiontrueAnalogous to numsInterval.
formatNumFunctionnullFunction to format displayed number, one argument - number to be formatted.
forceShowEdgeTicksBooleanfalseIn some cases due to interval start or end ticks may be omitted. Whether to force display of them.
forceShowEdgeNumsBooleanfalseAnalogous to forceShowEdgeTicks.
stickyModeBooleantrueWhether to animate control(s) auto-move to step point.
clickModeBooleantrueWhether to set value on click on bar.
clickModeSVGBooleantrueWhether to set value on click on entire SVG element. It has no effect if clickMode = false.
animationObject{ duration: 250, easing: 'ease-out' }Slide animation on number input or click on bar.
animationStickObject{ duration: 50, easing: 'ease-out' }Animation of sticking to valid number in case mouse button released on step span.
inputUpdateDelayMSNumber400Delay of updating slider after number input.
paramsSVGObject{}Params for SVG. See below.

All animation options comply with the Web Animation API.

SVG parameters

All parameters are numbers with one exception: alignEdgeNums is Boolean. For particular values please see file options.js.

viewBoxSVG viewBox attribute.
barShiftAdditional shift of slider bar. Relative to viewBox[3] (viewBox[2] if vertical).
lineWeightKThe line thickness. Relative to viewBox height (width if vertical).
lineRkBar line round corners factor. Relative to bar line weight.
controlRkControl radius factor. Relative to bar line weight.
tickWeightKTick height factor. Relative to bar line weight.
ticksShiftTicks shift along Y axis (X if vertical). Relative to bar line weight and bar line weight center.
numOffsetNumber offset. Relative to bar line weight.
numSizeKNumber size factor. Relative to bar line weight.
numScalePadKMargin of scale text (e. g. K for thousand). Relative to numSize.
controlStrokeKControl stroke width factor. Relative to control Diameter.
alignEdgeNumsWhether to align start and end nums to the slider edge instead of tick.

Please note that some options depend on each other, so changing one parameter might require changing the other. For example, slider controls (circles) might be enlarged to the point when overlapping numbers. Consequently, when setting any parameter, please ensure that all sizes are properly balanced.

In addition, there are some options for internal use. Please see source file options.js for details.


Besides the core actions (values selection), the are additional ones:

  1. Blocking. Component will be blocked when option blocked is set to true. Additionally, blocking and unblocking can be done via calling respective methods: NumSlider.block() and NumSlider.unblock().
  2. Setting stub. Stub will be set when no required options (minMax and model) are provided. In other cases stub can be set/removed via setter/getter NumSlider.stub.

Blocking on changing visibility

When only a part of or entire slider is not visible, there is no sense to maintain its activity. So in such cases, a slider will be blocked. The main reason for such invisibility is scrolling, so the element on which the scroll event slider will check its visibility should be set via the option blockElement. If no element is provided, then the window object will be used.

Setting stub on initial state

When the stub is set on the initial state then it will always display only one input (if option displayInputs = true) because there is no knowledge about whether this is a range or not. Consequently, if we have data in the component, then the stub will respect it and will display the proper number of inputs.

A note on SVG coordinates

The slider should be aware of proper screen coordinates to perform sliding and other actions. For this reason, any changes in page layout or sizes might lead to the wrong positioning of SVG points (viewBox).

To cope with such situations, the SVG coordinates matrix (SVGMatrix or DOMMatrix) gets updated when clicking on the slider control or a control starts moving. However, there is a chance that for some edge cases this will be not enough. So if you have some problems with SVG positioning, please ensure the SVG matrix is properly set. This can be done via NumSlider.CTM property, i. e. refresh it when needed: <instance>.CTM = <instance>.refs.svg.getScreenCTM().



All events have names constructed from slider ID plus event name: <slider id>:<event name>.

Event nameDescriptionPayload
update:modelEmitted when selected data changes.Selected data.


All listeners are intended for internal use only. Please refer to source files, especially, src/events.js, for details.


Styling is done with beautiful CSS preprocessor Stylus. So you need to use it too in case comprehensive control is needed. Otherwise, simply import precompiled CSS from num-slider/css/num-slider.css but be aware that in this case picker will use default CSS values for all its instances.

When using Stylus, to overwrite some or all of the theme variables, import main theme and styles as follows (there may be more than one slider instance on one page):

/* Theme ID must be set in case of several slider elements. */
NumSliderID = 'slider-id'

/* import main theme to set or overwrite all variables to defaults. */
@import 'num-slider/css/src/theme'

/* Overwrite variables: colors, etc. */
colorNumSliderFG = yellowgreen

/* import styles to be overwritten. */
@import 'num-slider/css/src/main'

Using media queries:

NumSliderID = 'slider-id'
@import 'num-slider/css/src/theme'
@import 'num-slider/css/src/main'

/* Change sizes for viewport width <= 500px */
@media (max-width: 500px)
    NumSliderID = 'slider-id'  /* Specify slider ID. */
    inputsW = 4em /* Set variables. */
    @import 'num-slider/css/src/main' /* Import styles. */

When setting options of paramsSVG please ensure that all values are properly balanced.

Changing the displayed number color on the hover event is intentionally disabled: clicking on a number is actually clicking on slider SVG to produce a precise value, so it may be misleading. When clicking on the designated number, the user will expect that this particular value will be selected and in this regard, we can lose the ability to select values that are very close to displayed numbers.

When using Vue and applying its transition build-in component, it may not work as expected due to the self-updating nature of NumSlider.attrs. In such cases wrap the slider component in div and apply transition on it, like so:

    <transition name='fade' mode='out-in'>
        <div class='slider-wrapper' :key='sliderKey'>
            <NumSlider v-bind='options' @update:model='model = $event' />

<script setup>
    import {  computed } from 'vue'
    /* ... some code ... */
    const sliderKey = computed( _ => ... )
    /* ... some code ... */

All icons live in the icons directory. To change existing ones, simply replace icon files.